An article by Reinhard Haumer – asma sales
“Cooperation with Keymix rather takes place in a more friendly than distant manner. The company keeps their promises. If something does not work properly, there is the possibility to receive help 24/7, so that operations don´t come to a standstill. This would be a worst-case scenario in busy times. Innovation and individuality are both important factors to Keymix. This is essential to asma when choosing a supplier since our company wants to ensure that all customer wishes are fulfilled, which is only possible with equally specialized machines. Keymix Systems is open for new ideas and adjustments according to our needs, so that we can further ensure asma´s absolute customer orientation.”
Reinhard Haumer
„No Man is an Island” – this does not only apply to humans but also to firms interacting as open systems and cooperating not only with customers but also with suppliers. Besides other factors, a company´s success aslo depends on the choice of the right subcontractors, which put as much emphasize on quality as asma does. We have been relying on Keymix Systems for several years now, which was a good choice:
When it comes to the processing of multicomponent, liquid and reactive chemicals, companies can rely on the automated machines produced by Keymix Systems. PUR is an elastomer, which possesses all the characteristics just mentioned and firms therefore require highly specialized machines to process it. This is exactly why we have been relying on Keymix for a long time already, interacting with them not only in a professional and reserved but rather in a friendly manner. The company offers TurnKey solutions, or to put it in other words, total systems, which are start-ready. “Industry 4.0” is another important factor when it comes to specialized machines such as melting stations and hot casting machines. This concept allows companies to control production using a PC, tablet or even a smartphone and provides firms with the possibility to plan processes in a manner which is even more accurate. The most important factor to asma and its employees, however, is the possibility for individualisation and the availability of a 24/7 service. Besides the plastic industry, Keymix also supplies the automotive, sealing and paper industry and many more.
The supplier´s and the consumer´s requirements to the products´ quality must be aligned and equally high. Therefore, we can say that we are looking forward to further cooperation with Keymix Systems.