If one looks back at the career of our ancestors, it is quite apparent that one profession was pursued for a lifetime, often also in the same company. Most commonly because of a lack of other possibilities. Adult education or retraining courses were not offered. Luckily, this is now a thing of the past.  A very good example for this is Bernhard Neunteufel. He originally did an apprenticeship to become a carpenter. However, 15 years ago he switched from the wood processing industry to asma plastics technology PUR in Weitra. He benefitted from the advanced training and took the plunge to become the team leader deputy in the casting department – the core of plastics processing. “At asma we produce around 6.500 different products each year for various applications. I produce parts with a special formulation. Acid resistance and extremely high resilience are special product requirements which have to be fulfilled according to the different customer requests “, Bernhard Neunteufel says about his field of activity at asma.

„At asma we produce around 6.500 different products each year for various applications.“.
Bernhard Neunteufel