With building a production hall and storage asma starts the biggest investment in its almost 40 years history. With planned finish end 2020 we recieve another 3000 m2 in production capacities, an all-new storage for raw material, equipped with the latest safety standards, a technical center for research and development of new materials and a new designed department for turning and grinding of industrial roller coatings.
A main target of this investment is optimizing production process chain. Tightening internal ways, transport infrastructure and complete outside facilities will be renewed. To be ready for future growth further parking places for approx. 200 employees are another part in this project.
With an investment of at about 7 mio. Euro, cofinanced and funded by European Community (EFRE), national and regional funds (aws, Land NÖ), asma commits in future growth on its location here in Weitra/Austria.
This project is co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development.
For further information, please visit the website www.efre.gv.at