Office makover

Office makover

What is our office of the future? In which environment do we want to work in the next few years? What do we need in order to be able to carry out our activities effectively and in a pleasant atmosphere? These are the central questions that a group of employees is...
Fields of professions at asma: Research & Development

Fields of professions at asma: Research & Development

DI (FH) Rainer Baumgartner has been working at asma in Weitra for several years. A few months ago he took over the management of the „Research & Development“ team. In this blog post we can now accompany him for a day in his activities.  DI (FH)...
Career with apprenticeship – Knowledge Management

Career with apprenticeship – Knowledge Management

Under the motto „Learn from the experts“, colleagues and external persons are involved in the apprenticeship training in order to optimally prepare the apprentices for their professional life as skilled workers. If material science, mechanical engineering,...
Job fields at asma: Quality control 

Job fields at asma: Quality control 

A few weeks ago, team leader Johannes Prinz was the first to give an insight into his daily routine in the new series „asma job descriptions“. In this blog post we want to accompany Marlene Höbarth in her activities. She is also currently training Verena...